// $Id: jquery.galleria.js,v 2009/04/27 15:46:59 marktheunissen Exp $
* Galleria (http://monc.se/kitchen)
* Galleria is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery.
* It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded.
* It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled,
* centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.
* The core of Galleria lies in it's smart preloading behaviour, snappiness and the fresh absence
* of obtrusive design elements. Use it as a foundation for your custom styled image gallery.
* Galleria now features a useful history extension, enabling back button and bookmarking for each image.
* The main image is no longer stored inside each list item, instead it is placed inside a container
* onImage and onThumb functions lets you customize the behaviours of the images on the site
* Tested in Safari 3, Firefox 2, MSIE 6, MSIE 7, Opera 9
* Version 1.0
* Februari 21, 2008
* Copyright (c) 2008 David Hellsing (http://monc.se)
* Licensed under the GPL licenses.
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
var $$;
* @desc Convert images from a simple html
into a thumbnail gallery
* @author David Hellsing
* @version 1.0
* @name Galleria
* @type jQuery
* @cat plugins/Media
* @example $('ul.gallery').galleria({options});
* @desc Create a a gallery from an unordered list of images with thumbnails
* @options
* insert: (selector string) by default, Galleria will create a container div before your ul that holds the image.
* You can, however, specify a selector where the image will be placed instead (f.ex '#main_img')
* history: Boolean for setting the history object in action with enabled back button, bookmarking etc.
* onImage: (function) a function that gets fired when the image is displayed and brings the jQuery image object.
* You can use it to add click functionality and effects.
* f.ex onImage(image) { image.css('display','none').fadeIn(); } will fadeIn each image that is displayed
* onThumb: (function) a function that gets fired when the thumbnail is displayed and brings the jQuery thumb object.
* Works the same as onImage except it targets the thumbnail after it's loaded.
$$ = $.fn.galleria = function($options) {
// check for basic CSS support
if (!$$.hasCSS()) { return false; }
// init the modified history object
// set default options
var $defaults = {
insert : '.galleria_container',
history : true,
clickNext : true,
onImage : function(image,caption,thumb) {},
onThumb : function(thumb) {}
// extend the options
var $opts = $.extend($defaults, $options);
// bring the options to the galleria object
for (var i in $opts) {
if (i) {
$.galleria[i] = $opts[i];
// if no insert selector, create a new division and insert it before the ul
var _insert = ( $($opts.insert).is($opts.insert) ) ?
$($opts.insert) :
// create a wrapping div for the image
var _div = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('galleria_wrapper');
// create a caption span
var _span = $(document.createElement('span')).addClass('caption');
// inject the wrapper in in the insert selector
return this.each(function(){
// add the Galleria class
// loop through list
$(this).children('li').each(function(i) {
// bring the scope
var _container = $(this);
// build element specific options
var _o = $.meta ? $.extend({}, $opts, _container.data()) : $opts;
// remove the clickNext if image is only child
_o.clickNext = $(this).is(':only-child') ? false : _o.clickNext;
// try to fetch an anchor
var _a = $(this).find('a').is('a') ? $(this).find('a') : false;
// reference the original image as a variable and hide it
var _img = $(this).children('img').css('display','none');
// extract the original source
var _src = _a ? _a.attr('href') : _img.attr('src');
// find a title
var _title = _a ? _a.attr('title') : _img.attr('title');
// create loader image
var _loader = new Image();
// check url and activate container if match
if (_o.history && (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.replace(/\#/,'') == _src)) {
// begin loader
$(_loader).load(function () {
// try to bring the alt
// the image is loaded, let's create the thumbnail
var _thumb = _a ?
_a.find('img').addClass('thumb noscale').css('display','none') :
if (_a) { _a.replaceWith(_thumb); }
if (!_thumb.hasClass('noscale')) { // scaled tumbnails!
var w = Math.ceil( _img.width() / _img.height() * _container.height() );
var h = Math.ceil( _img.height() / _img.width() * _container.width() );
if (w < h) {
_thumb.css({ height: 'auto', width: _container.width(), marginTop: -(h-_container.height())/2 });
} else {
_thumb.css({ width: 'auto', height: _container.height(), marginLeft: -(w-_container.width())/2 });
} else { // Center thumbnails.
// a tiny timer fixed the width/height
window.setTimeout(function() {
marginLeft: -( _thumb.width() - _container.width() )/2,
marginTop: -( _thumb.height() - _container.height() )/2
}, 1);
// add the rel attribute
// add the title attribute
// add the click functionality to the _thumb
_thumb.click(function() {
// hover classes for IE6
function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }
function() { _container.addClass('hover'); },
function() { _container.removeClass('hover'); }
// prepend the thumbnail in the container
// show the thumbnail
// call the onThumb function
// check active class and activate image if match
if (_container.hasClass('active')) {
// finally delete the original image
}).error(function () {
// Error handling
_container.html('Error loading image: '+_src+'');
}).attr('src', _src);
* @name NextSelector
* @desc Returns the sibling sibling, or the first one
$$.nextSelector = function(selector) {
return $(selector).is(':last-child') ?
$(selector).siblings(':first-child') :
* @name previousSelector
* @desc Returns the previous sibling, or the last one
$$.previousSelector = function(selector) {
return $(selector).is(':first-child') ?
$(selector).siblings(':last-child') :
* @name hasCSS
* @desc Checks for CSS support and returns a boolean value
$$.hasCSS = function() {
$(document.createElement('div')).attr('id','css_test').css({ width:'1px', height:'1px', display:'none' })
var _v = ($('#css_test').width() != 1) ? false : true;
return _v;
* @name onPageLoad
* @desc The function that displays the image and alters the active classes
* Note: This function gets called when:
* 1. after calling $.historyInit();
* 2. after calling $.historyLoad();
* 3. after pushing "Go Back" button of a browser
$$.onPageLoad = function(_src) {
// get the wrapper
var _wrapper = $('.galleria_wrapper');
// get the thumb
var _thumb = $('.galleria img[rel="'+_src+'"]');
if (_src) {
// new hash location
if ($.galleria.history) {
window.location = window.location.href.replace(/\#.*/,'') + '#' + _src;
// alter the active classes
// define a new image
var _img = $(new Image()).addClass('replaced');
_img.load(function() {
// empty the wrapper and insert the new image
// insert the caption
// fire the onImage function to customize the loaded image's features
// add clickable image helper
if($.galleria.clickNext) {
_img.css('cursor','pointer').click(function() { $.galleria.next(); });
} else {
// clean up the container if none are active
// remove active classes
$('.galleria li.active').removeClass('active');
// place the source in the galleria.current variable
$.galleria.current = _src;
* @name jQuery.galleria
* @desc The global galleria object holds four constant variables and four public methods:
* $.galleria.history = a boolean for setting the history object in action with named URLs
* $.galleria.current = is the current source that's being viewed.
* $.galleria.clickNext = boolean helper for adding a clickable image that leads to the next one in line
* $.galleria.next() = displays the next image in line, returns to first image after the last.
* $.galleria.prev() = displays the previous image in line, returns to last image after the first.
* $.galleria.activate(_src) = displays an image from _src in the galleria container.
* $.galleria.onImage(image,caption) = gets fired when the image is displayed.
$.extend({galleria : {
current : '',
onImage : function(){},
activate : function(_src) {
if ($.galleria.history) {
} else {
next : function() {
var _next = $($$.nextSelector($('.galleria img[rel="'+$.galleria.current+'"]').parents('li'))).find('img').attr('rel');
prev : function() {
var _prev = $($$.previousSelector($('.galleria img[rel="'+$.galleria.current+'"]').parents('li'))).find('img').attr('rel');
* History extension for jQuery
* Credits to http://www.mikage.to/
* jQuery history plugin
* Copyright (c) 2006 Taku Sano (Mikage Sawatari)
* Licensed under the MIT License:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Modified by Lincoln Cooper to add Safari support and only call the callback once during initialization
* for msie when no initial hash supplied.
historyCurrentHash: undefined,
historyCallback: undefined,
historyInit: function(callback){
jQuery.historyCallback = callback;
var current_hash = location.hash;
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
if(jQuery.browser.msie) {
// To stop the callback firing twice during initilization if no hash present
if (jQuery.historyCurrentHash === '') {
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = '#';
// add hidden iframe for IE
var ihistory = $("#jQuery_history")[0];
var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document;
iframe.location.hash = current_hash;
else if ($.browser.safari) {
// etablish back/forward stacks
jQuery.historyBackStack = [];
jQuery.historyBackStack.length = history.length;
jQuery.historyForwardStack = [];
jQuery.isFirst = true;
jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
setInterval(jQuery.historyCheck, 100);
historyAddHistory: function(hash) {
// This makes the looping function do something
jQuery.historyForwardStack.length = 0; // clear forwardStack (true click occured)
this.isFirst = true;
historyCheck: function(){
if(jQuery.browser.msie) {
// On IE, check for location.hash of iframe
var ihistory = $("#jQuery_history")[0];
var iframe = ihistory.contentDocument || ihistory.contentWindow.document;
var current_hash = iframe.location.hash;
if(current_hash != jQuery.historyCurrentHash) {
location.hash = current_hash;
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
} else if ($.browser.safari) {
if (!jQuery.dontCheck) {
var historyDelta = history.length - jQuery.historyBackStack.length;
if (historyDelta) { // back or forward button has been pushed
jQuery.isFirst = false;
var i;
if (historyDelta < 0) { // back button has been pushed
// move items to forward stack
for (i = 0; i < Math.abs(historyDelta); i++) {
} else { // forward button has been pushed
// move items to back stack
for (i = 0; i < historyDelta; i++) {
var cachedHash = jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length - 1];
if (cachedHash !== undefined) {
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = location.hash;
} else if (jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length - 1] === undefined && !jQuery.isFirst) {
// back button has been pushed to beginning and URL already pointed to hash (e.g. a bookmark)
// document.URL doesn't change in Safari
if (document.URL.indexOf('#') >= 0) {
} else {
current_hash = location.hash;
jQuery.isFirst = true;
} else {
// otherwise, check for location.hash
current_hash = location.hash;
if(current_hash != jQuery.historyCurrentHash) {
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
historyLoad: function(hash){
var newhash;
if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
newhash = hash;
else {
newhash = '#' + hash;
location.hash = newhash;
jQuery.historyCurrentHash = newhash;
if(jQuery.browser.msie) {
var ihistory = $("#jQuery_history")[0];
var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document;
iframe.location.hash = newhash;
else if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
jQuery.dontCheck = true;
// Manually keep track of the history values for Safari
// Wait a while before allowing checking so that Safari has time to update the "history" object
// correctly (otherwise the check loop would detect a false change in hash).
var fn = function() {jQuery.dontCheck = false;};
window.setTimeout(fn, 200);
// N.B. "location.hash=" must be the last line of code for Safari as execution stops afterwards.
// By explicitly using the "location.hash" command (instead of using a variable set to "location.hash") the
// URL in the browser and the "history" object are both updated correctly.
location.hash = newhash;
else {