// $Id: galleria.js,v 2009/06/02 11:50:08 marktheunissen Exp $
* Create a namespace.
Drupal.galleria = {};
* Configuration options for the Galleria.
Drupal.galleria.options = {
num_thumbs : 1,
insert : '#main-image',
onImage : function(image, caption, thumb) {
// Lightbox support
if (Drupal.settings.galleria_lightbox != 'none') {
// surround the displayed image with a Lightbox link
// keep Galleria from adding a click event to the image
$.galleria.clickNext = false;
image.attr('title','View full-size');
// let's add some image effects for demonstration purposes
// fade in the image & caption
if(!($.browser.mozilla && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win")!=-1) ) { // FF/Win fades large images terribly slow
// fetch the thumbnail container
var _li = thumb.parents('li');
// if there is only one thumbnail, hide it and
// turn off the clickNext action on the displayed image
if (_li.siblings('li').length == 0) {
$.galleria.clickNext = false;
else {
// fade out inactive thumbnail
_li.siblings().children('img.selected').fadeTo(500, Drupal.settings.thumb_opacity);
// fade in active thumbnail
if (Drupal.settings.galleria_lightbox == 'none') {
// add a title for the clickable image
image.attr('title','Next image >>');
// trigger the jCarousel to scroll to the current image's thumbnail
$('#main-image').trigger('img_change', [thumb.parent().attr('jcarouselindex')]);
onThumb : function(thumb) {
// thumbnail effects goes here
// fetch the thumbnail container
var _li = thumb.parents('li');
// if thumbnail is active, fade all the way.
var _fadeTo = _li.is('.active') ? 1 : Drupal.settings.thumb_opacity;
// fade in the thumbnail when finished loading
// hover effects
function() { thumb.fadeTo('fast', 1); },
function() { _li.not('.active').children('img').fadeTo('fast', Drupal.settings.thumb_opacity); } // don't fade out if the parent is active
// Lightbox support
if (Drupal.settings.galleria_lightbox != 'none') {
// add a Lightbox link after each thumbnail
if (_li.hasClass('last')) {
// scan the page for new Lightbox links once the last thumnail is loaded
switch (Drupal.settings.galleria_lightbox) {
case 'lightbox2':
case 'jlightbox':
history : false
* jCarousel integration.
Drupal.galleria.jcarousel_initCallback = function(carousel) {
jQuery('#main-image').bind('img_change', function(e, index) {
var num = parseInt(index);
return false;
* Attach the Galleria initialisation to Drupal.behaviors.
Drupal.behaviors.initGalleria = function(context) {
// Only run code if there are unprocessed Gallerias.
if ($('ul.gallery:not(.galleria-processed)').size() > 0) {
$('ul.gallery:not(.galleria-processed)', context)
// when the ajax call is complete, load galleria. Used when viewing in a lightbox.
$('body').bind("ajaxComplete", function(event, request, settings) {
// check that a lightbox with a loaded image list exists
if ($('#lightbox ul.gallery').length > 0) {
$('#lightbox ul.gallery').galleria(Drupal.galleria.options);